0 Bad FieldType in function SettingField::GetTypeSize 2 NSEW !------------------------------------------------------ ! object type names for popup menu !------------------------------------ astr Asteroid uAST Asteroid comt Comet uCMT Comet plnt Planet moon Moon star Star gala Galaxy scft Spacecraft uSCO Spacecraft 10 Bright Nebula 20 Planetary Nebula 30 Dark Nebula 31 Dark Nebula 90 Supernova Remnant 50 Globular Star Cluster 40 Open Star Cluster 41 Open Cluster + Nebulosity 60 Elliptic Galaxy 61 Spiral Galaxy 62 SpiralBar Galaxy 63 Irregular Galaxy 64 Galaxy 100 Quasar 101 BL Lacerta 70 Radio Source 110 X-Ray Source !--------------------------------------------------------- ! kW, kE, kN, kS 965, ...; // RS4Strings.h 965 W 966 E 967 N 968 S ! kAD, kBC, kAD1, kBC1 969, ...; // RS4Strings.h 969 AD 970 BC 983 AD 984 BC ! kAM kPM 960 a.m. 961 p.m. 962 L.time 963 U.time ! 970 kMonthNameZeroID // RS4Strings.h 971 January 972 February 973 March 974 April 975 May 976 June 977 July 978 August 979 September 980 October 981 November 982 December ! 985 kMonthBriefZeroID // RS4Strings.h 986 Jan 987 Feb 988 Mar 989 Apr 990 May 991 Jun 992 Jul 993 Aug 994 Sep 995 Oct 996 Nov 997 Dec ! kDefaultPointLat / Lon N,W - don't translate 998 51 30 0.0 N 999 0 6 0.0 W ! 200 Home 201 User objects 202 Favorites 203 Find location... 204 Find object... 205 User's home 211 User objects:Asteroids 212 User objects:Comets 213 User objects:Spacecraft 214 New objects:Stars 215 New objects:Deep sky objects 218 Favorites:Spacecraft 219 Favorites:Deep sky objects 220 Favorites:Stars 221 Favorites:Asteroids 222 Favorites:Comets 223 Comets:New comets 224 Asteroids:New asteroids 225 Spacecraft:New spacecraft 226 Comets:Favorites 227 Asteroids:Favorites 228 Stars:Favorites 230 Meters 231 Kilometers 232 Thousand kilometers 233 Million kilometers 234 Astronomical units 235 Light years 236 Parsecs 237 Kiloparsecs 240 Time Panel 241 Location Panel 242 View Panel 243 Filters Panel 244 Find... 251 Events 252 Eclipses 253 Conjunctions 254 Sky Diary 255 Dictionary... 260 Sun 261 Mon 262 Tue 263 Wed 264 Thu 265 Fri 266 Sat ! Ww - west, Ee - east 270 WEwe ! Nn - north, Ss - south 271 NSns ! Hour, Minutes, Seconds for RA 275 h 276 m 277 s ! N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW 278 N 279 NE 280 E 281 SE 282 S 283 SW 284 W 285 NW ! UT(WZ), TDT 286 UT 287 TDT ! NCP, Zenith, NEP, NGP 288 NCP 289 Zenith 290 NEP 291 NGP ! SCP, Nadir, SEP, SGP 292 SCP 293 Nadir 294 SEP 295 SGP ! V, GC 296 V 297 GC ! Axes format %5.2fAU 298 %5.2fAU !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Navigation panel strings !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !Common strings 1000 Navigation 1001 Time 1002 Location 1003 View 1005 Recent !------------------------------------------ !Location panel strings !------------------------------------------ 1101 Location mode 1102 Position 1103 Coordinates 1104 Longitude 1105 Latitude 1106 Change with step 1107 2D-Slider 1108 3D-Slider 1109 Distance 1110 Distance to center 1111 Distance to surface !Location mode strings 1120 Explore Solar System 1121 Move with surface 1122 Stay on surface of... 1123 Follow surface of... 1124 Move with object 1125 Hover over... 1126 Follow center of... 1127 Heliocentric 1130 Explore Star System 1131 Stay in Star System... 1132 System in Local Arm... 1140 Explore Local Spiral Arm 1141 Among nearby Stars 1142 Inside Local Arm 1150 Explore Galaxies !1151 Milky Way galaxy 1152 Local Group of galaxies !Location mode short string 1153 Stay on surface of 1154 Fly over surface of 1155 Follow center of 1156 Heliocentric !Location mode strings for Sky Window 1157 Stay on surface of 1158 Fly over surface of 1159 Follow center of !Location mode strings for Illustration Panel 2150 Stay on surface 2151 Fly over surface 2152 Follow center !View mode strings for Illustration Panel 3150 Relative to horizon 3151 Relative to celestial equator 3152 Locked view 3153 Relative to orbit 3154 Relative to ecliptic !Distance units 1160 m 1161 km 1162 th.km 1163 m.km 1164 a.u. 1165 l.y. 1166 pc 1167 kpc !Location Objects menu strings 1200 Sun 1201 Earth 1202 Stars 1203 Popular proper names 1204 Brightest from Earth 1205 Nearest to Sun 1206 With planetary system 1207 Famous 1208 Binaries and multiplies 1221 Close binaries with model 1209 Variables 1210 Planets 1211 Moons 1212 The Moon 1213 Mars's moons 1214 Phobos 1215 Deimos 1220 Jupiter's moons 1230 Saturn's moons 1240 Uranus's moons 1250 Neptunes's moons 1260 Charon 1270 Asteroids 1280 Comets 1290 Spacecraft 1291 Spacecraft:Deep space missions 1299 User favorites 1300 Recent !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Planets 1311 Mercury 1312 Venus 1314 Mars 1315 Jupiter 1316 Saturn 1317 Uranus 1318 Neptune 1319 Pluto !---------------------------------------- ! Moons !---------------------------------------- 1339 Jupiter's moons !---------------------------------------- 1320 Io 1321 Europa 1322 Ganymede 1323 Callisto 1324 Amalthea 1325 Himalia 1326 Elara 1327 Pasiphae 1328 Sinope 1329 Lysithea 1330 Carme 1331 Ananke 1332 Leda 1333 Thebe 1334 Adrastea 1335 Metis 100517 Callirrhoe 100518 Themisto 100519 Megaclite 100520 Taygete 100521 Chaldene 100522 Harpalyke 100523 Kalyke 100524 Iocaste 100525 Erinome 100526 Isonoe 100527 Praxidike 100528 S/2000 J11 100529 Autonoe 100530 Thyone 100531 Hermippe 100532 Eurydome 100533 Sponde 100534 Pasithee 100535 Euanthe 100536 Kale 100537 Orthosie 100538 Euporie 100539 Aitne 100540 S/2002 J1 100541 S/2003 J1 100542 S/2003 J2 100543 S/2003 J3 100544 S/2003 J4 100545 S/2003 J5 100546 S/2003 J6 100547 S/2003 J7 100548 S/2003 J8 100549 S/2003 J9 100550 S/2003 J10 100551 S/2003 J11 100552 S/2003 J12 100553 S/2003 J13 100554 S/2003 J14 100555 S/2003 J15 100556 S/2003 J16 100557 S/2003 J17 100558 S/2003 J18 100559 S/2003 J19 100560 S/2003 J20 100561 S/2003 J21 !----------------------------------------- 1358 Saturn's moons !----------------------------------------- 1340 Mimas 1341 Enceladus 1342 Tethys 1343 Dione 1344 Rhea 1345 Titan 1346 Hyperion 1347 Iapetus 1348 Phoebe 1349 Janus 1350 Epimetheus 1351 Helene 1352 Telesto 1353 Calypso 1354 Atlas 1355 Prometheus 1356 Pandora 1357 Pan 100619 Ymir 100620 Paaliaq 100621 Siarnaq 100622 Tarvos 100623 Kiviuq 100624 Ijiraq 100625 Thrym 100626 Skadi 100627 Mundilfari 100628 Erriapo 100629 Albiorix 100630 Suttung 100631 S/2003 S1 !------------------------------------------------- 1376 Uranus's moons !------------------------------------------------- 1359 Ariel 1360 Umbriel 1361 Titania 1362 Oberon 1363 Miranda 1364 Cordelia 1365 Ophelia 1366 Bianca 1367 Cressida 1368 Desdemona 1369 Juliet 1370 Portia 1371 Rosalind 1372 Belinda 1373 Puck 1374 Caliban 1375 Sycorax 100718 Prospero 100719 Setebos 100720 Stephano 100721 Trinculo !---------------------------------------- 1389 Neptune's moons !---------------------------------------- 1380 Triton 1381 Nereid 1382 Naiad 1383 Thalassa 1384 Despina 1385 Galatea 1386 Larissa 1387 Proteus 100809 S/2002 N1 100810 S/2002 N2 100811 S/2002 N3 !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Position menu strings 1400 Relative surface 1401 Relative ecliptic plane 1402 Relative galactic plane 1403 Relative geoequatorial plane 1404 Relative orbit 1405 Relative sun ! RelSurf 1410 North Pole 1411 South Pole 1412 Equator, 0° 1413 Equator, 90°(90°E) 1414 Equator, 180° 1415 Equator, 270°(90°W) ! RelEclGal 1420 North Pole 1421 South Pole 1422 Equator, 0° 1423 Equator, 90° 1424 Equator, 180° 1425 Equator, 270° ! RelGeoEq 1430 North Pole 1431 South Pole 1432 Equator, 0 h 1433 Equator, 6 h 1434 Equator, 12 h 1435 Equator, 18 h ! RelOrb 1440 Above object’s orbit 1441 Below object’s orbit 1442 Leading 1443 Trailing 1444 Inward object’s orbit 1445 Outward object’s orbit ! RelSun 1450 Inward 1451 Outward !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Stars ! Close binaries with models 2100 AB And 2101 LY Aur 2102 UU Cas 2103 CQ Cep 2104 XZ Cep ! Cities 2460 Cities 2461 Amsterdam 2462 Berlin 2463 Lisbon 2464 London 2465 Los Angeles 2466 Madrid 2467 Moscow 2468 New York 2469 Paris 2470 Rome ! Coordinates menu strings 1470 Geographic 1472 Planetographic 1472 Local Equatorial 1473 Orbital 1474 Ecliptic 1476 Local Galactic 1477 Local Geoequatorial 1478 Galactic 1479 H-Geoequatorial 1480 Galactocentric 1491 Longitude 1492 Latitude 1493 Orbital Longitude 1494 Orbital Latitude 1495 Ecliptic Longitude 1496 Ecliptic Latitude 1501 Moon orbit 1502 Planet orbit 1510 Surface 1511 1R from surface 1512 1.4R from surface (Map view) 1513 2R from surface 1514 2R (1R from surfase) 1515 4R (3R from surface) 1516 8R (7R from surface) 1517 0.4R from surface !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! View panel strings !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Main view mode coordinate systems 5009 Celestial 5010 Celestial equator 5008 Horizon 5001 Horizontal 5002 Loc Equatorial 5003 Orbital 5004 Ecliptic 5005 Local Galactic 5006 Galactic 5007 Galactocentric ! Main view mode base planes 5011 Horizontal 5012 Celestial equator 5013 Orbital 5014 Ecliptic 5015 Galactic 5020 Right Ascension 5021 Declination 5022 Azimuth 5023 Altitude 5029 step 5030 Right Ascension step 5031 Declination step 5032 Azimuth step 5033 Altitude step 5034 Longitude step 5035 Latitude step 5040 View is locked. Unlock current view? 5041 Warning !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Time Panel 5098 Local 5099 Universal 5100 Local 5101 Universal 5102 Julian Date 5110 Time linking: OFF 5111 Time linking: ON 5120 Years 5121 Days 5122 Hours 5123 Minutes 5124 Seconds 5125 T.Years 5126 S.Years 5127 L.Months 5128 S.Months 5129 Months 5130 S.Days 5135 MHDYmhdy 5136 APap 5140 You are outside the time period for which this object existed !Tool panel 5501 Select Object tool 5502 Change Direction tool 5503 Change Zoom tool 5504 Measure tool !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Errors 3000 Sorry, you just entered a wrong value. Your last input was '%s'. 3001 Value was corrected to '%s'. 3002 Error 3003 Incorrect date 3004 Error 3005 The workspace doesn't exist or is corrupted 3006 File %s isn't valid ctl-file. 3007 File %s not found. 3008 Sample workspace not found. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! End of Navigation panel strings !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Home location panel strings 5200 1st 5201 2nd 5202 3rd 5203 4th 5204 Last 5210 mm/dd/yyyy 5211 dd/mm/yyyy 5212 yyyy/mm/dd 5220 24 hour 5221 am/pm !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Begin of the Sky Diary stuff !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !6000 kEventStuffZeroSID (DiaryEvents.cpp) // currID = kEventStuffZeroSID + EventID ! Event stuff - semicolon separated subitems (may be empty): ! structID;txtNum(SkyDiary.txt);bmpPath;s0(title);s1(time);s2(empty);s3;s4;s5;s6;s7;s8;s9; ! typedef enum ! { ! //Geocentric Events ! //Sun&EarthPosition ! kVerEquin = 1, //SunEvent = 1 6001 1;41;Media:SkyDiary:4_1.bmp;Vernal Equinox;%s %s %s (local time);;Earth-Sun distance %dkm;Angular size of Sun %2.2d'%2.2d"; ! kSumSolstice = 2, //SunEvent = 1 6002 1;42;Media:SkyDiary:4_1.bmp;Summer Solstice;%s %s %s (local time);;Earth-Sun distance %dkm;Angular size of Sun %2.2d'%2.2d"; ! kAutEquin = 3, //SunEvent 6003 1;41;Media:SkyDiary:4_1.bmp;Autumnal Equinox;%s %s %s (local time);;Earth-Sun distance %dkm;Angular size of Sun %2.2d'%2.2d"; ! kWinSolstice = 4, //SunEvent 6004 1;42;Media:SkyDiary:4_1.bmp;Winter Solstice;%s %s %s (local time);;Earth-Sun distance %dkm;Angular size of Sun %2.2d'%2.2d"; ! kEarthPi = 5, //SunEvent 6005 1;45;Media:SkyDiary:4_2.bmp;Earth at perihelion;%s %s %s (local time);;Earth-Sun distance %dkm;Angular size of Sun %2.2d'%2.2d"; ! kEarthAph = 6, //SunEvent 6006 1;46;Media:SkyDiary:4_2.bmp;Earth at aphelion;%s %s %s (local time);;Earth-Sun distance %dkm;Angular size of Sun %2.2d'%2.2d"; ! //MoonPosition ! kNewMoon = 7, //VISIBILITY 6007 2;30;Media:SkyDiary:3_1.bmp;New Moon;%s %s %s (local time);;Meridian passage %2.2d:%2.2d (local time), altitude %3.2d°;Moonrise %2.2d:%2.2d, Moonset %2.2d:%2.2d (local time);;Earth-Moon distance %dkm;Angular size %2.2d'%2.2d"; ! kFirstQuar = 8, //VISIBILITY 6008 2;30;Media:SkyDiary:3_1.bmp;First Quarter of Moon;%s %s %s (local time);;Meridian passage %2.2d:%2.2d (local time), altitude %3.2d°;Moonrise %2.2d:%2.2d, Moonset %2.2d:%2.2d (local time);;Earth-Moon distance %dkm;Angular size %2.2d'%2.2d"; ! kFull = 9, //VISIBILITY 6009 2;30;Media:SkyDiary:3_1.bmp;Full Moon;%s %s %s (local time);;Meridian passage %2.2d:%2.2d (local time), altitude %2.2d°;Moonrise %2.2d:%2.2d, Moonset %2.2d:%2.2d (local time);;Earth-Moon distance %dkm;Angular size %2.2d'%2.2d"; ! kLastQuar = 10, //VISIBILITY 6010 2;30;Media:SkyDiary:3_1.bmp;Last Quarter of Moon;%s %s %s (local time);;Meridian passage %2.2d:%2.2d (local time), altitude %3.2d°;Moonrise %2.2d:%2.2d, Moonset %2.2d:%2.2d (local time);;Earth-Moon distance %dkm;Angular size %2.2d'%2.2d"; ! //InnerPlanets kMercury(1),kVenus(2) ! kInferior = 11, //Conjun 6011 3;52;Media:SkyDiary:5.bmp;%s at inferior conjunction;%s %s %s (local time); ! kSuperior = 12, //Conjun 6012 3;52;Media:SkyDiary:5.bmp;%s at superior conjunction;%s %s %s (local time); ! kMaxElong = 13 !6013 (kMaxElong not uses outside, use the kMaxElongMer or kMaxElongVen) ! kMaxElongMer = 14, //Conjun 6014 3;50;Media:SkyDiary:5_2.bmp;%s greatest elongation %s.(%2d°);%s %s %s (local time);;;%s apparition;Magnitude %7.2f; ! kMaxElongVen = 15, //Conjun 6015 3;51;Media:SkyDiary:5_2.bmp;%s greatest elongation %s.(%2d°);%s %s %s (local time);;;%s apparition;Magnitude %7.2f; ! kTransitSun = 16, //Conjun 6016 3;53;Media:SkyDiary:5.bmp;passage of %s across Sun;%s %s %s (local time);;;;; ! //OuterPlanets kMars(4),kJupiter(5),kSaturn(6),kUranus(7),kNeptune(8),kPluto(9) ! kConjSun = 17, //Conjun 6017 3;71;Media:SkyDiary:5.bmp;%s at conjunction;%s %s %s (local time); ! kOpposSun = 18, //Conjun 6018 3;70;Media:SkyDiary:5_1.bmp;%s at opposition;%s %s %s (local time);;%s from current location;%s in constellation %s;Magnitude %7.2f; ! kQuadr = 19, //Conjun 6019 3;72;Media:SkyDiary:5_3.bmp;%s at quadrature;%s %s %s (local time);;%s from current location;%s in constellation %s;Magnitude %7.2f; ! //Topocentric Events ! kSolEcl = 20, //ECLIPSE 6020 4;21;Media:SkyDiary:2_1.bmp;Eclipse of Sun;%s %s %s (local time);%s from current location;Eclipse type: %s, %s;Eclipse begins;%2.2d %s %2.2d:%2.2d(UT) %2.2d°%2.2d'%s %3.2d°%2.2d'%s;Greatest eclipse;%2.2d %s %2.2d:%2.2d(UT) %2.2d°%2.2d'%s %3.2d°%2.2d'%s;Eclipse ends;%2.2d %s %2.2d:%2.2d(UT) %2.2d°%2.2d'%s %3.2d°%2.2d'%s; ! kLunEcl = 21, //ECLIPSE 6021 4;22;Media:SkyDiary:2_2.bmp;Eclipse of Moon;%s %s %s (local time);;Eclipse type: %s;Moon enters umbra: %2.2d %s %2.2d:%2.2d(local time);Moon enters totality:%2.2d %s %2.2d:%2.2d(local time);Middle of eclipse: %2.2d %s %2.2d:%2.2d(local time);Moon leaves totality: %2.2d %s %2.2d:%2.2d(local time);Moon leaves umbra: %2.2d %s %2.2d:%2.2d(local time); ! // Object Configuration ! kConjMP = 22, //Conjun 6022 3;81;Media:SkyDiary:8.bmp;%s %3.1f°%s of %s;%s %s %s (universal time) - geocentric;%s %s %s (local time) - topocentric;%s from current location %s;Altitude %3.2d°, Azimuth %3.3d°;In constellation %s;%s magnitude %7.2f;%s magnitude %7.2f;Moon phase %d%%;%s elongation %s.(%d°); ! kOcculMP = 23, //Conjun 6023 3;81;Media:SkyDiary:8.bmp;Occultation of %s by the Moon;%s %s %s (local time);;%s from current location %s;Altitude %3.2d°, Azimuth %3.3d°;In constellation %s;%s magnitude %7.2f;%s magnitude %7.2f;Moon phase %d%%;%s elongation %s.(%d°); ! kConjStar = 24, //Conjun 6024 3;91;Media:SkyDiary:9.bmp;%s %3.1f°%s of %s;%s %s %s (universal time) - geocentric;%s %s %s (local time) - topocentric;%s from current location %s;Altitude %3.2d°, Azimuth %3.3d°;In constellation %s;%s magnitude %7.2f;%s magnitude %7.2f;Moon phase %d%%;%s elongation %s.(%d°); ! kOcculStar = 25, //Conjun 6025 3;81;Media:SkyDiary:8.bmp;Occultation of %s by the %s;%s %s %s (local time);;%s from current location %s;Altitude %3.2d°, Azimuth %3.3d°;In constellation %s;%s magnitude %7.2f;%s magnitude %7.2f;Moon phase %d%%;%s elongation %s.(%d°); ! kConjPP = 26, //Conjun 6026 3;80;Media:SkyDiary:8.bmp;%s %3.1f°%s of %s;%s %s %s (universal time) - geocentric;%s %s %s (local time) - topocentric;%s from current location %s;Altitude %3.2d°, Azimuth %3.3d°;In constellation %s;%s magnitude %7.2f;%s magnitude %7.2f;Moon phase %d%%;%s elongation %s.(%d°); ! kOcculPP = 27, //Conjun 6027 3;81;Media:SkyDiary:8.bmp;Occultation of %s by the %s;%s %s %s (local time);;%s from current location %s;Altitude %3.2d°, Azimuth %3.3d°;In constellation %s;%s magnitude %7.2f;%s magnitude %7.2f;Moon phase %d%%;%s elongation %s.(%d°); ! // MeteorShower ! kMeteorShower = 28 //SHOWER 6028 5;10;Media:SkyDiary:1.bmp;Meteor shower %s;%2.2d %s;Parent body %s;Radiant at maximum: RA %2.2dh %2.2dm, Dec %+2.2d°;For night of shower maximum: %s;Meridian passage %2.2d:%2.2d(UT), altitude %2.2d°;Active dates %2.2d %s - %2.2d %s;Average zenithal hourly rate at maximum %d;Moon illumination %d%%;Moonrise %2.2d:%2.2d, Moonset %2.2d:%2.2d(local time); ! kMonthConstell = 29 //vector of int (constell IDs) 6029 6;100;Media:SkyDiary:10.bmp;Constellations of the month; ! } EventID; !6050 kEventStepZeroSID (DiaryEvents.cpp) // currID = kEventStepZeroSID + m_lProgressStepCount ! { kEventStepZeroID 6050 Searching Moon - stars events 6051 Searching Sun - Earth events 6052 Searching Sun - Mercury events 6053 Searching Sun - Venus events 6054 Searching Sun - Mars events 6055 Searching Sun - Jupiter events 6056 Searching Sun - Saturn events 6057 Searching Sun - Uranus events 6058 Searching Sun - Neptune events 6059 Searching Sun - Pluto events 6060 Searching Moon phases and eclipses 6061 Searching Moon - Mercury conjunction 6062 Searching Moon - Venus conjunction 6063 Searching Moon - Mars conjunction 6064 Searching Moon - Jupiter conjunction 6065 Searching Moon - Saturn conjunction 6066 Searching Moon - Uranus conjunction 6067 Searching Moon - Neptune conjunction 6068 Searching Moon - Pluto conjunction 6069 Searching Mercury - planets conjunction 6070 Searching Venus - planets conjunction 6071 Searching Mars - planets conjunction 6072 Searching Jupiter - planets conjunction 6073 Searching Saturn - planets conjunction 6074 Searching Uranus - planets conjunction 6075 Searching Neptune - planets conjunction 6076 Searching meteors showers ! } kEventStepZeroSID ! EclipseType 6090 Not Eclipse 6091 Total 6092 Annular-total 6093 Annular 6094 Partial 6095 Central 6096 NonCentral 6097 Penumbral 6098 Umbral !6100 kSHOWERStuffZeroSID (DiaryEvents.cpp) // currID = kEventStuffZeroSID + ShowerID ! Name; Parent Body(name); max(d;m); Activity beg(d;m), end(d;m); ZHR; RA(h;m); Dec(deg); 6101 Quadrantids; Comet Machholz; 3;1; 1;1; 5;1; 100; 15;28; 50; 6102 Lyrids; Comet Thatcher; 22;4; 19;4; 25;4; 10; 18;08; 32; 6103 Eta Aquarids; Halley's Comet; 5;5; 24;4; 20;5; 35; 22;20; -01; 6104 Delta Aquarids; ----; 28;7; 15;7; 19;8; 20; 22;36; -17; 6105 Perseids; Comet Swift-Tuttle; 12;8; 23;7; 20;8; 80; 3;4; 58; 6106 Orionids; Halley's Comet; 21;10; 16;10; 27;10; 25; 6;24; 15; 6107 Taurids; Comet Encke; 3;11; 20;10; 30;11; 10; 3;44; 22; 6108 Leonids; Comet Temple-Tuttle; 17;11; 15;11; 20;11; var; 10;8; 22; 6109 Gemonids; 3200 Phaethon (asteroids); 13;12; 7;12; 16;12; 100; 7;28; 32; ! Circumstances of the solar eclipse // DiaryEclipses.cpp kSolarEclipseStuffSID 6150 %s %2.2d, %4.4d%s %2.2d:%2.2d %2.2d°%2.2d'%s %3.3d°%2.2d'%s;Eclipse begins;Greatest eclipse;Eclipse ends;Eclipse type: %s;Eclipse character: %s;Magnitude of the eclipse: %7.4g; ! Circumstances of the lunar eclipse // DiaryEclipses.cpp kLunarEclipseStuffSID 6151 %s %2.2d, %4.4d%s %2.2d:%2.2d;Moon enters umbra: ;Moon enters totality: ;Middle of eclipse: ;Moon leaves totality: ;Moon leaves umbra: ;Eclipse type: %s;Radius of Earth umbral cone: %7.4g;Radius of Earth penumbral cone: %7.4g;Magnitude of the eclipse: %7.4g; 6152 %2.2d:%2.2d %2.2d°%2.2d'%s %3.3d°%2.2d'%s;Eclipse begins ;Greatest eclipse ;Eclipse ends ;Eclipse type: %s;Eclipse character: %s;Magnitude: %7.4g; 6153 %2.2d:%2.2d;Moon enters umbra: ;Moon enters totality: ;Middle of eclipse: ;Moon leaves totality: ;Moon leaves umbra: ;Eclipse type: %s;Radius of umbral cone: %7.4g;Radius of penumbral cone: %7.4g;Magnitude: %7.4g; 6154 %s Solar Eclipse of %s 6155 Eclipse Map 6156 Info 6157 Solar Eclipse of %s ! Diary Path Strings 6200 Media:SkyDiary:SkyDiary.txt 6201 Media:SkyDiary:StarsDiary.txt 6202 Media:SkyDiary:DiaryIcons.BMP 6203 Catalogs:Constellations:Cs_info.ini !6210 Diary Format Strings ! kLonLatFSID ang.d,ang.m,(short)ang.s, strWENS // DiaryPanel.cpp 6210 %d°%2.2d'%2.2d" %s ! kYearFSID abs(year) 6211 %4.4d ! kYearEditFSID y 6212 %d ! kPercentFSID nPercent // DiarySheet.cpp 6213 %d ! kSSOFSID objectType, objectID 6214 SSO(%d, %d) ! kConstellFSID inID 6215 Constell(%d) ! kDayFSID id // DiaryEvents.cpp 6216 %2.2d ! kHourMinuteFSID ih, im 6217 %2.2d:%2.2d ! kRAHMSFSID ang.d,ang.m,(short)ang.s // DiaryPlanets.cpp 6218 %2.2dh%2.2dm%2.2ds ! kSignDMSFSID ang.sign,ang.d,ang.m,(short)ang.s 6219 %c%2.2d°%2.2d'%2.2d" ! kAbsDMSFSID ang.d,ang.m,(short)ang.s 6220 %3.2d°%2.2d'%2.2d" ! kAbsMSFSID ang.m,ang.s 6221 %2.2d'%2.2d" ! kAbsSFSID ang.s 6222 %2.2d" ! kPercentCharFSID nPercent,'%' 6223 %2.2d%c ! k3_1FloatDFSID visib.el*k_rad 6224 %3.1f° ! k4_3FloatAUFSID visib.dist 6225 %4.3f AU ! k4_3FloatMKmFSID visib.dist*kAU*1e-6 6226 %4.3f MKm ! k4_3FloatThKmFSID visib.dist*kAU*1e-3 6227 %4.3f ThKm ! k4_3FloatKmFSID visib.dist*kAU 6228 %4.3f Km ! k7_2FloatFSID visib.mag 6229 %7.2f ! kRAHMFSID ang.d,ang.m // DiaryPlanetsDraw.cpp 6230 %dh%dm ! kRAHFSID ang.d // DiaryPlanetsDraw.cpp 6231 %dh ! kAbsDMFSID ang.d,ang.m 6232 %d°%d' ! kAbsDFSID ang.d 6233 %d° ! kDateTimeFSID rs.GetString(imo + kMonthBriefZeroID), id, abs(iy), ADBC, ih, imi // DiaryEclipses.cpp 6234 %s %2.2d, %4.4d%s %2.2d:%2.2d ! k4_2FloatDFSID aConj.eps * k_rad // DiaryConj.cpp 6235 %4.2f° ! DiaryPanel.cpp 6300 Home ! DiarySheet.cpp 6301 for 6302 for 15th of 6303 Search interval not valid - stop is before start 6304 Warning ! DiaryEvents.cpp 6305 Date 6306 Event 6307 th 6308 st 6309 nd 6310 rd 6311 Visible 6312 Invisible 6313 (daylight) 6314 morning 6315 evening ! DiaryPlanets.cpp 6316 Objects (at 0h UT) 6317 RA 6318 Dec 6319 Constell. 6320 Elongation 6321 Distance 6322 Magnitude 6323 Diameter 6324 Phase 6325 ------- 6326 Left drag: Zoom+(->),-(<-); Right drag: Scroll 6327 Select: Center to Object ! DiaryEclipses.cpp and DiaryConj.cpp 6328 Search 6329 Stop 6330 Date (UT) 6331 Occurence 6332 Separation 6333 Pair of objects 6334 Elongation !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! End of the Sky Diary stuff !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Print Legend !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1700 NAVIGATION 1701 STARS 1702 DEEP SKY OBJECTS 1703 SOLAR SYSTEM OBJECTS 1704 Hide 1705 Icon 1706 Area 1707 Real 1708 Marker 1709 Copyright © 2003 Maris Technologies, Ltd. and licensors.\n All rights reserved. !1709 Copyright © 1994-2003 Maris Multimedia, Ltd.\nand its licensors. All rights reserved. 1710 Magnitudes 1711 Binaries 1712 Variables !1713 Clusters 1713 Galactic Objects !1714 Nebulae 1714 Extragalactic Objects 1715 Galaxies 1716 Non-optical 1717 Planets 1718 Moons 1719 Minor objects 1720 Binary system 1721 Close binary 1722 Rotating 1723 Pulsating 1724 Eruptive 1725 Cataclysmic 1726 Suspected 1727 Open 1728 Globular 1729 Bright 1730 Planetary 1731 Dark !1732 S/nova remnants 1732 Elliptical 1733 Spiral !1734 Spiral bar 1734 Lenticular 1735 Compact 1736 Ring 1737 Irregular 1738 Quasars 1739 Radio 1740 X-ray 1741 Disk 1742 Page 1743 Location 1744 Month 1745 Others 1746 BL Lac ! Sun 1751 Sun ! Earth'Moon 1752 The Moon !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Stars type !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1800 Suspected 1801 Binary 1802 Rotating 1803 Pulsating 1804 Eruptive 1805 Cataclysmic !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Object Info Start !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !7000 Right Ascension !7001 Declination !7002 Azimuth !7003 Altitude !7004 In constellation !7005 Magnitude !7006 Distance !7007 Angular Diameter !7008 Phase !7009 Elongation !7010 Moon Phase !7011 Moon-object angle 7000 RA 7001 Dec 7002 Azm 7003 Alt 7004 In constellation 7005 Magnitude 7006 Dist. from Sun 7007 Dist. from Observer 7008 Phase 7009 Elongation 7010 Moon Phase 7011 Moon-object angle 7012 1 day 7013 10 days 7014 30 days 7015 90 days 7016 1 year 7017 ------- 7018 Progress: 7019 Ready 7020 Current Time 7021 Azm 7022 Alt 7023 Rise Time 7024 Transit Time 7025 Set Time 7026 Sunrise Time 7027 Sunset Time 7028 Moonrise Time 7029 Moonset Time 7030 MISSPOINT 7031 Date 7032 Magn. 7033 Dist. 7034 Ang.D. 7035 Elong. 7036 R.A. 7037 Declin. 7038 Local Time 7039 Local Date 7040 Altitude 7041 Angul. Diam. 7042 Right Ascen. 7043 Conditions 7044 Motion Diagram 7045 Magnitude 7046 Distance 7047 Angular Diameter 7048 Elongation 7049 Twilight 7050 Daylight 7051 Night 7052 Under Horiz. 7053 Transit 7054 Star: The Sun 7055 Semimajor axis........................................... 7056 Orbital eccentricity..................................... 7057 Inclination of orbit to ecliptic....................... 7058 Argument of the pericenter......................... 7059 Lon. of the ascending node....................... 7060 Mean anomaly........................................... 7061 Sidereal period........................................... 7062 Synodic period............................................. 7063 A day (turns on axis)................................... 7064 Absolute magnitude............................ 7065 Perihelion distance................................. 7066 Inclination of orbit....................................... 7067 Diameter............................................. 7068 Mass................................................... 7069 Mean density....................................... 7070 Escape Velocity.................................. 7071 Albedo................................................. 7072 Max. elongation at mean opposition ... 7073 Surface gravity.................................... 7074 Inclination of equator to orbit............... 7075 Ellipticity............................................... 7076 Tilt of magnetic axis............................. 7077 Offset of magnetic axis........................ 7078 Magnetic field at equator..................... 7079 Magnetopause distance...................... 7080 Univ.Time 7081 Univ.Date 7082 Max.Diameter........................................ 7083 undefined 7084 Abs.Magnitude 7085 Stay on Surface 7086 Follow Surface 7087 Follow Center 7088 Stay in 7089 Solar System 7090 of 7091 Sun=1 7092 Earth=1 7093 water=1 7094 white=1 7095 radius=1 7096 relative planet 7097 km/s 7098 kg 7099 km 7100 th.km 7101 Cluster has associated Nebulosity 7102 Cluster does not have associated Nebulosity 7103 days 7104 mas_yr 7105 pc 7106 kpc 7107 micro Jy 7108 years 7109 a.u. 7110 Mkm 7111 ThKm 7112 Km 7113 Planetoequator, J2000 7114 Heliocentric, J2000 7115 Variable 7116 unknown 7117 Moon 7118 Star 7119 Planet 7120 Asteroid 7121 Comet 7122 Space Craft 7123 OC 7124 OC/Neb 7125 GC 7126 Cluster 7127 BN 7128 DN 7129 PN 7130 SNR 7131 Nebula 7132 QSO 7133 Radio 7134 X-ray 7135 BLL 7136 DS/NV 7137 Hipparcos 7138 Star System 7139 SC_TLE 7140 undef 7141 Jy 7142 Reserved 7143 Reserved 7144 Reserved 7145 Moon 7146 Set 7147 Rise 7148 Current 7149 Ang. 7150 Apparent 7151 !!!!! PLEASE DO NOT USE 71XX !!!!! (GIM) !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Object Info Zdec !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !******************************************************* ! Status Info Start !******************************************************* 7200 Local Time: 7201 Universal time: 7202 Julian date: 7203 AD 7204 BC !Time format 7205 %02d:%02d !Date format 7206 %02d/%02d/%04d %s !Julian date format 7207 %0.5f !Position String 7208 Location: !PosCoord With Object: 7209 Lon = %03d° %02d' %c Lat = %02d° %02d' %c !PosCoord Without Object: 7210 Lon = %03d° %02d' Lat = %c%02d° %02d' !Height Format 7211 Height = %0.3f %s !Distance Format 7212 Distance = %0.3f %s !View string 7213 View: !CenterOn format 7214 Center on %s !LockOn format 7215 Lock on %s !RA Dec Direction format 7216 RA = %02dh %02dm %02.0fs Dec = %c%02d° %02d' %02.0f" !Alt Azm Direction format 7217 Azm = %03d° %02d' %02.0f" Alt = %c%02d° %02d' %02.0f" !Lon Lat Direction format 7218 Lon = %03d° %02d' %02.0f" Lat = %c%02d° %02d' %02.0f" !Slope format 7219 Slope = %s %+04d° !Zoom format 7220 Zoom = %0.1f !Statusbar 7221 RA = %02dh %02dm %06.3fs 7222 Dec = %c%02d°%02d'%05.2f" 7223 Azm = %03d°%02d'%05.2f" 7224 Alt = %c%02d°%02d'%05.2f" 7225 Lon = %03d°%02d'%05.2f" 7226 Lat = %c%02d°%02d'%05.2f" 7227 FOV = %s x %s !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Status Info End !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! User Object Begin from 7250 to 7450 !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7250 Export 7251 Import 7252 Delete 7255 Can't create file %s. 7260 Object already exists. Replace ? 7261 Do you really want to delete the selected object(s)? 7262 Object was changed. Save ? 7290 Input error 7296 Argument of pericenter must be between %s and %s 7297 Longitude must be between %s and %s 7298 Input error. 7299 Please, enter the object name with a length of no more then %d characters. 7300 Eccentricity should be in the range %s to %s. 7301 Distance must be between %s and %s. 7302 The value of anomaly should be from %s to %s. 7303 Diameter should be from %s to %s 7304 Inclination must be between %s and %s. 7305 Absolute magnitude must be between %s and %s. 7306 Radial coefficient should be from %s to %s. 7307 Transverse coefficient should be from s% to s%. 7308 Mean motion should be from %s to %s. 7309 Julian date should be from %s to %s. 7310 Color indices (B-V) must be between %s and %s. 7311 Slope parameter should be from %s to %s. 7312 Albedo should be from %s to %s. 7320 Parameter 2.5n should be from %s to %s. 7321 Normal coefficient should be from %s to %s. 7330 Parallax should be from %s to %s. 7331 Radial velocity must be between %s and %s. 7332 Visual magnitude should be from %s to %s. 7333 Largest dimension should be from %s to %s. 7334 Smallest dimension should be from %s to %s. 7335 Position angle should be from %s to %s. 7336 Luminosity class should be from %s to %s. 7337 Spectral type should be from %s to %s. 7338 Proper motion in RA must be between %s and %s. 7339 Please, enter the designation with a length of no more then %d characters. 7340 First time derivative of the mean motion must be between %s and %s. 7341 Second time derivative of mean motion must be between %s and %s. 7342 BSTAR drag coefficient must be between %s and %s. 7350 7351 Undefined 7360 Overwrite %s ? 7361 asteroid 7362 comet 7363 spacecraft 7364 star 7365 deep sky object ! work with internet 7400 Connecting... 7401 Requested internet resource is not found ... 7402 Connection failed ... 7403 Downloading completed 7404 File already exists 7405 Downloading is terminated by user 7406 Updating database... !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Favorites !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8000 asteroids 8001 comets 8002 spacecraft 8010 Number of favorite %s can't exceed %d !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Find and Find Location !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9000 Height 9001 Size 9002 Country/state 9003 Description and origin of name 9100 You need to activate this type of object and adjust the settings to see the object you are centering on 9101 You need to activate this type of object and adjust the settings to see the object you follow on 9200 To view the image you will need to activate the object type and adjust the settings in the Filters Panel !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Navigation panel's menu strings !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !---------- Asteroids------------------- !---------- Largest 10050 Largest 10000 1 Ceres 10001 1 Ceres (diameter = 848.4 km) 10002 2 Pallas 10003 2 Pallas (diameter = 498.1 km) 10004 4 Vesta 10005 4 Vesta (diameter = 468.3 km) 10006 10 Hygiea 10007 10 Hygiea (diameter = 407.1 km) 10008 511 Davida 10009 511 Davida (diameter = 326.1 km) 10010 704 Interamnia 10011 704 Interamnia (diameter = 316.6 km) 10012 52 Europa 10013 52 Europa (diameter = 302.5 km) 10014 87 Sylvia 10015 87 Sylvia (diameter = 260.9 km) 10016 31 Euphrosyne 10017 31 Euphrosyne (diameter = 255.9 km) 10018 15 Eunomia 10019 15 Eunomia (diameter = 255.3 km) 10020 16 Psyche 10021 16 Psyche (diameter = 253.2 km) 10022 65 Cybele 10023 65 Cybele (diameter = 237.3 km) 10024 3 Juno 10025 3 Juno (diameter = 233.9 km) 10026 324 Bamberga 10027 324 Bamberga (diameter = 229.4 km) 10028 451 Patientia 10029 451 Patientia (diameter = 225.0 km) 10030 107 Camilla 10031 107 Camilla (diameter = 222.6 km) 10032 532 Herculina 10033 532 Herculina (diameter = 222.2 km) 10034 48 Doris 10035 48 Doris (diameter = 221.8 km) 10036 45 Eugenia 10037 45 Eugenia (diameter = 214.6 km) 10038 29 Amphitrite 10039 29 Amphitrite (diameter = 212.2 km) 10040 121 Hermione 10041 121 Hermione (diameter = 209.0 km) 10042 423 Diotima 10043 423 Diotima (diameter = 208.8 km) 10044 13 Egeria 10045 13 Egeria (diameter = 207.6 km) 10046 94 Aurora 10047 94 Aurora (diameter = 204.9 km) 10048 88 Thisbe 10049 88 Thisbe (diameter = 200.6 km) !---Visited by Space probes 10059 Asteroids:Mission targets 10060 951 Gaspra 10061 951 Gaspra (flyby GALILEO on October 29, 1991) 10062 243 Ida 10063 243 Ida (flyby GALILEO on August 28, 1993) 10064 253 Mathilde 10065 253 Mathilde (flyby NEAR on June 27, 1997) 10066 9969 Braille 10067 9969 Braille (flyby DEEP SPACE 1 on July 28, 1999) 10068 433 Eros 10069 433 Eros (NEAR is on orbit close to Eros since 14 February 2000) 10070 4979 Otawara 10071 4979 Otawara (flyby ROSETTA on July 10, 2006) 10072 140 Siwa 10073 140 Siwa (flyby ROSETTA on July 23, 2008) !-----Potentially hazardous 10079 Hazardous 10080 4179 Toutatis 10081 4179 Toutatis (2004-Sep-29 distance ~ 0.010 a.u.) 10082 4660 Nereus 10083 4660 Nereus (2002-Jan-22 distance ~ 0.029 a.u.) !-----Comets---------------- !Great comets before 1500 AD 10099 Past Visits by Great Comets 10100 1P/Halley 10101 1P/Halley (87BC-Jul-27 magnitude ~ 2) 10103 1P/Halley (12BC-Sep-10 magnitude ~ 1) 10105 1P/Halley (66-Mar-20 magnitude ~ 1) 10107 1P/Halley (141-Apr-22 magnitude ~ -1) 10109 1P/Halley (218-May-30 magnitude ~ 0) 10110 240 V1 10111 240 V1 (240-Nov-20 magnitude ~ 1-2) 10113 1P/Halley (295-May-12 magnitude ~ 0) 10115 1P/Halley (374-Apr-02 magnitude ~ -1) 10116 390 Q1 10117 390 Q1 (390-Aug-18 magnitude ~ -1) 10118 400 F1 10119 400 F1 (400-Mar-19 magnitude ~ 0) 10120 442 V1 10121 442 V1 (442-Dec-07 magnitude ~ 1-2) 10123 1P/Halley (451-Jun-30 magnitude ~ 0) 10124 565 O1 10125 565 O1 (565-Sep-13 magnitude ~ 0-1) 10126 568 O1 10127 568 O1 (568-Sep-25 magnitude ~ 0) 10129 1P/Halley (607-Apr-19 magnitude ~ -2) 10131 1P/Halley (684-Sep-07 magnitude ~ 1-2) 10133 1P/Halley (760-Jun-03 magnitude ~ 0) 10134 770 K1 10135 770 K1 (770-Jul-10 magnitude ~ 1-2) 10137 1P/Halley (837-Apr-11 magnitude ~ -3) 10139 1P/Halley (989-Aug-20 magnitude ~ 1-2) 10141 1P/Halley (1066-Apr-24 magnitude ~ -1) 10142 1132 T1 10143 1132 T1 (1132-Oct-07 magnitude ~ -1) 10145 1P/Halley (1145-May-12 magnitude ~ 0) 10147 1P/Halley (1222-Sep-24 magnitude ~ 1-2) 10148 1240 B1 10149 1240 B1 (1240-Feb-02 magnitude ~ 0) 10150 1264 N1 10151 1264 N1 (1264-Jul-29 magnitude ~ 0) 10153 1P/Halley (1301-Sep-23 magnitude ~ 1-2) 10155 1P/Halley (1378-Oct-03 magnitude ~ 1) 10156 1402 D1 10157 1402 D1 (1402-Mar-12 magnitude ~ -3) 10159 1P/Halley (1456-Jun-19 magnitude ~ 0) 10160 1468 S1 10161 1468 S1 (1468-Oct-02 magnitude ~ 1-2) 10162 1471 Y1 10163 1471 Y1 (1472-Jan-23 magnitude ~ -3) !Great comets after 1500 AD > 10169 Recent Visits by Great comets 10171 1P/Halley (1531-Aug-27 magnitude ~ 1) 10172 1532 R1 10173 1532 R1 (1532-Oct-13 magnitude ~ -1) 10174 1533 M1 10175 1533 M1 (1533-Jun-27 magnitude ~ 0) 10176 1556 D1 10177 1556 D1 (1556-Mar-14 magnitude ~ -2) 10178 1577 V1 10179 1577 V1 (1577-Nov-08 magnitude ~ -3) 10180 1618 W1 10181 1618 W1 (1618-Nov-29 magnitude ~ 0-1) 10182 1664 W1 10183 1664 W1 (1664-Dec-29 magnitude ~ -1) 10184 1665 F1 10185 1665 F1 (1665-Apr-20 magnitude ~ -1) 10186 1668 E1 10187 1668 E1 (1668-Mar-08 magnitude ~ 1-2) 10188 1680 V1 10189 1680 V1 (1680-Dec-29 magnitude ~ 1-2) 10191 1P/Halley (1682-Aug-31 magnitude ~ 0-1) 10192 1686 R1 10193 1686 R1 (1686-Aug-27 magnitude ~ 1-2) 10194 1743 X1 10195 1743 X1 (1744-Feb-20 magnitude ~ -3) 10196 1769 P1 10197 Messier = 1769 P1 (1769-Sep-22 magnitude ~ 0) 10198 1807 R1 10199 Great Comet = 1807 R1 (1807-Sep-20 magnitude ~ 1-2) 10200 1811 F1 10201 Great Comet = 1811 F1 (1811-Oct-20 magnitude ~ 0) 10202 1843 D1 10203 Great March Comet = 1843 D1 (1843-Mar-07 magnitude ~ <-3) 10204 1858 L1 10205 Donati = 1858 L1 (1858-Oct-07 magnitude ~ 0-1) 10206 1861 J1 10207 Great Comet = 1861 J1 (1861-Jun-27 magnitude ~ 0) 10208 1865 B1 10209 Great Southern Comet = 1865 B1 (1865-Jan-24 magnitude ~ 1) 10210 1874 H1 10211 Coggia = 1874 H1 (1874-Jul-13 magnitude ~ 0-1) 10212 1882 R1-A 10213 Great September Comet = 1882 R1-A (1882-Sep-08 magnitude ~ <-3) 10214 1901 G1 10215 Great Comet = 1901 G1 (1901-May-05 magnitude ~ 1) 10216 1910 A1 10217 Great January Comet = 1910 A1 (1910-Jan-30 magnitude ~ 1-2) 10219 1P/Halley (1910-May-20 magnitude ~ 0-1) 10220 1927 X1 10221 Skjellerup-Maristany = 1927 X1 (1927-Dec-08 magnitude ~ 1) 10222 1965 S1 10223 Ikeya-Seki = 1965 S1 (1965-Oct-14 magnitude ~ 2) 10224 1969 Y1 10225 Bennett = 1969 Y1 (1970-Mar-20 magnitude ~ 0-1) 10226 1975 V1 10227 West = 1975 V1 (1976-Mar-01 magnitude ~ -1) 10228 1996 B2 10229 Hyakutake = 1996 B2 (1996-Apr-20 magnitude ~ 1-2) 10230 1995 O1 10231 Hale-Bopp = 1995 O1 (1997-Mar-26 magnitude ~ -0.7) ! Visited by spce probes 10249 Comets:Mission targets 10250 21P/Giacobini-Zinner 10251 21P/Giacobini-Zinner (flyby ICE (ISEE-3) on September 11, 1985) 10252 1P/Halley 10253 1P/Halley (flyby SAKIGAKI on March 1, 1986) 10254 1P/Halley 10255 1P/Halley (flyby VEGA-1 on March 6, 1986) 10256 1P/Halley 10257 1P/Halley (flyby SUISEI on March 8, 1986) 10258 1P/Halley 10259 1P/Halley (flyby VEGA-2 on March 9, 1986) 10260 1P/Halley 10261 1P/Halley (flyby GIOTTO on March 14, 1986) 10262 26P/Grigg-Skjellerup 10263 26P/Grigg-Skjellerup (flyby GIOTTO on July 10, 1992) 10264 Hyakutake 10265 Hyakutake = 1996 B2 (flyby NEAR on March 1996) 10266 19P/Borrelly 10267 19P/Borrelly (flyby DEEP SPACE 1 on September 20, 2001) 10268 2P/Enke 10269 2P/Enke (flyby CONTOUR on November 12, 2003) 10270 81P/Wild-2 10271 81P/Wild-2 (flyby STARDUST on February 2, 2004) 10272 9P/Tempel 1 10273 9P/Tempel 1 (DEEP IMPACT mission, on July 4, 2005) 10274 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 10275 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (flyby CONTOUR on June 18, 2006) 10276 6P/d'Arrest 10277 6P/d'Arrest (flyby CONTOUR on August 16, 2008) 10278 46P/Wirtanen 10279 46P/Wirtanen (rendezvous and landing of ROSETTA in November 2011) !spcaecraft 10290 Favorites:Spacecraft:Earth artificial satellites 10291 Favorites:Spacecraft:Deep space missions !--------------Messier objects---------------------------- 10301 M1 = NGC 1952 = Crab Nebula [BN]* 10302 M2 = NGC 7089 [GC] 10303 M3 = NGC 5272 [GC]* 10304 M4 = NGC 6121 [GC] 10305 M5 = NGC 5904 [GC]* 10306 M6 = NGC 6405 = Butterfly Cluster [OC] 10307 M7 = NGC 6475 [OC] 10308 M8 = NGC 6523 = Lagoon Nebula [BN]* 10309 M9 = NGC 6333 [GC] 10310 M10 = NGC 6254 [GC] 10311 M11 = NGC 6705 = Wild Duck Cluster [OC] 10312 M12 = NGC 6218 [GC] 10313 M13 = NGC 6205 = Hercules cluster [GC]"}, 10314 M14 = NGC 6402 [GC] 10315 M15 = NGC 7078 [GC]* 10316 M16 = NGC 6611 = Eagle Nebula [BN]* 10317 M17 = NGC 6618 = Swan or Omega Nebula [BN]* 10318 M18 = NGC 6613 [OC] 10319 M19 = NGC 6273 [GC] 10320 M20 = NGC 6514 = Trifid Nebula [BN]* 10321 M21 = NGC 6531 [OC] 10322 M22 = NGC 6656 [GC] 10323 M23 = NGC 6494 [OC] 10324 M24 = NGC 6603 [OC] 10325 M25 = IC 4725 [OC] 10326 M26 = NGC 6694 [OC] 10327 M27 = NGC 6853 = Dumbbell Nebula [PN]* 10328 M28 = NGC 6626 [GC] 10329 M29 = NGC 6913 [OC] 10330 M30 = NGC 7099 [GC] 10331 M31 = NGC 224 = Andromeda Galaxy [SG]* 10332 M32 = NGC 221 = companion of M31 [EG]* 10333 M33 = NGC 598 = Triangulum Galaxy [SG]* 10334 M34 = NGC 1039 [OC] 10335 M35 = NGC 2168 [OC] 10336 M36 = NGC 1960 [OC] 10337 M37 = NGC 2099 [OC] 10338 M38 = NGC 1912 [OC] 10339 M39 = NGC 7092 [OC] 10340 M40 = Double star Winnecke 4 10341 M41 = NGC 2287 [OC] 10342 M42 = NGC 1976 = Great Orion Nebula [BN]* 10343 M43 = NGC 1982 = Detached part of Orion Nebula 10344 M44 = NGC 2632 = Beehive Cluster [OC] 10345 M45 = Pleiades [OC] 10346 M46 = NGC 2437 [OC] 10347 M47 = NGC 2422 [OC] 10348 M48 = NGC 2548 [OC] 10349 M49 = NGC 4472 [EG]* 10350 M50 = NGC 2323 [OC] 10351 M51 = NGC 5194 = Whirlpool Galaxy [SG]* 10352 M52 = NGC 7654 [OC] 10353 M53 = NGC 5024 [GC] 10354 M54 = NGC 6715 [GC] 10355 M55 = NGC 6809 [GC] 10356 M56 = NGC 6779 [GC] 10357 M57 = NGC 6720 = Ring Nebula [PN]* 10358 M58 = NGC 4579 [SBG]* 10359 M59 = NGC 4621 [EG]* 10360 M60 = NGC 4649 [EG]* 10361 M61 = NGC 4303 [SBG]* 10362 M62 = NGC 6266 [GC] 10363 M63 = NGC 5055 = Sunflower Galaxy [SG]* 10364 M64 = NGC 4826 = Black Eye Galaxy [SG]* 10365 M65 = NGC 3623 [SBG]* 10366 M66 = NGC 3627 [SBG]* 10367 M67 = NGC 2682 [OC] 10368 M68 = NGC 4590 [GC]* 10369 M69 = NGC 6637 [GC] 10370 M70 = NGC 6681 [GC] 10371 M71 = NGC 6838 [GC] 10372 M72 = NGC 6981 [GC] 10373 M73 = NGC 6994 = Asterism 10374 M74 = NGC 628 [SG]* 10375 M75 = NGC 6864 [GC] 10376 M76 = NGC 650-1 = Little Dumbbell [PN]* 10377 M77 = NGC 1068 [SG]* 10378 M78 = NGC 2068 [BN]* 10379 M79 = NGC 1904 [GC]* 10380 M80 = NGC 6093 [GC] 10381 M81 = NGC 3031 = Bode's Nebula [SG]* 10382 M82 = NGC 3034 [SG]* 10383 M83 = NGC 5236 [SBG]* 10384 M84 = NGC 4374 [EG]* 10385 M85 = NGC 4382 [IG]* 10386 M86 = NGC 4406 [EG]* 10387 M87 = NGC 4486 = Virgo A [EG]* 10388 M88 = NGC 4501 [EG]* 10389 M89 = NGC 4552 [EG]* 10390 M90 = NGC 4569 [SBG]* 10391 M91 = NGC 4548 [SBG]* 10392 M92 = NGC 6341 [GC]* 10393 M93 = NGC 2447 [OC] 10394 M94 = NGC 4736 [SG]* 10395 M95 = NGC 3351 [SBG]* 10396 M96 = NGC 3368 [SBG]* 10397 M97 = NGC 3587 = Owl Nebula [PN]* 10398 M98 = NGC 4192 [SBG]* 10399 M99 = NGC 4254 [SG]* 10400 M100 = NGC 4321 [SBG]* 10401 M101 = NGC 5457 = Pinwheel Galaxy [SBG]* 10402 M102 = Duplicate of M101 10403 M103 = NGC 581 [OC] 10404 M104 = NGC 4594 = Sombrero Galaxy [SG]* 10405 M105 = NGC 3379 [EG]* 10406 M106 = NGC 4258 [SBG]* 10407 M107 = NGC 6171 [GC] 10408 M108 = NGC 3556 [SBG]* 10409 M109 = NGC 3992 [SBG]* 10410 M110 = NGC 205 [EG]* 10420 Messier objects (M1 - M30) 10421 Messier objects (M31 - M60) 10422 Messier objects (M61 - M90) 10423 Messier objects (M91 - M110) ! Spacecraft 10499 Spacecraft:Standard 10500 Voyager-1 10501 Voyager-2 10502 Apollo-15 10503 Mariner-9 10504 Pioneer-10 10505 Pioneer-11 10506 Vega-1 10507 Vega-2 10508 Ulysses 10509 MCO 10510 MPL 10511 Clementine 10512 NEAR 10513 Phobos-2 10514 Viking-1 10515 Viking-2 10516 MPF 10517 Mars Global Surveyor 10518 Cassini/Huygens 10519 Galileo 10520 Brightest Earth's satellites !Time Step 10600 Rotation time !-----------Stars----------------------- !-----------Brightest------------------- 10699 Stars:Brightest 10700 Sirius 10701 Sirius (Alpha CMa) m = -1.46 10702 Canopus 10703 Canopus (Alpha Car) m = -0.72 10704 Rigil 10705 Rigil Kentaurus (Alpha Cen) m = -0.27 10706 Arcturus 10707 Arcturus (Alpha Boo) m = -0.04 10708 Vega 10709 Vega (Alpha Lyr) m = 0.03 10710 Capella 10711 Capella (Alpha Aur) m = 0.08 10712 Rigel 10713 Rigel (Beta Ori) m = 0.12 10714 Procyon 10715 Procyon (Alpha CMi) m = 0.38 10716 Achernar 10717 Achernar (Alpha Eri) m = 0.46 10718 Betelgeuse 10719 Betelgeuse (Alpha Ori) m = 0.50 (var.) 10720 Hadar 10721 Hadar (Beta Cen) m = 0.61 (var.) 10722 Acrux 10723 Acrux (Alpha Cru) m = 0.76 10724 Altair 10725 Altair (Alpha Aql) m = 0.77 10726 Aldebaran 10727 Aldebaran (Alpha Tau) m = 0.85 (var.) 10728 Antares 10729 Antares (Alpha Sco) m = 0.96 (var.) 10730 Spica 10731 Spica (Alpha Vir) m = 0.98 (var.) 10732 Pollux 10733 Pollux (Beta Gem) m = 1.14 10734 Fomalhaut 10735 Fomalhaut (Alpha PsA) m = 1.16 10736 Mimosa 10737 Mimosa (Beta Cru) m = 1.25 (var.) 10738 Deneb 10739 Deneb (Alpha Cyg) m = 1.25 10740 Regulus 10741 Regulus (Alpha Leo) m = 1.35 10742 Adhara 10743 Adhara (Epsilon CMa) m = 1.50 10744 Castor 10745 Castor (Alpha Gem) m = 1.57 10746 Gacrux 10747 Gacrux (Gamma Cru) m = 1.62 (var.) 10748 Shaula 10749 Shaula (Lambda Sco) m = 1.63 (var.) !--------Eclipsing stars----------------------- 10759 Variables:Eclipsing 10760 Algol 10761 Algol = beta Persei (m = 2.1 / 3.4 period = 2.9 days) 10762 beta Lyr 10763 beta Lyrae (m = 3.3 / 4.4 period = 12.9 days) 10764 W UMa 10765 W Ursae Majoris (m = 7.8 / 8.5 period = 0.33 days) 10766 RS CVn 10767 RS Canum Venaticorum (m = 7.9 / 9.1 period = 4.8 days) 10768 AR Lac 10769 AR Lacertae (m = 6.1 / 6.8 period = 2.0 days) 10770 W Ser 10771 W Serpentis (m = 8.4 / 10.2 period = 14.2 days) 10772 IQ Per 10773 IQ Persei (m = 7.7 / 8.3 period = 1.8 days) 10774 RT And 10775 RT Andromedae (m = 8.6 / 9.5 period = 0.63 days) 10776 VV Pyx 10777 VV Pyxidis (m = 6.6 / 7.1 period = 4.6 days) !--------Cepheids-------------------- 10799 Variables:Cepheids 10800 delta Cep 10801 delta Cephei (m = 3.5 / 4.4 period = 5.4 days) 10802 delta Sct 10803 delta Scuti (m = 4.6 / 4.8 period = 0.19 days) 10804 eta Aql 10805 eta Aquilae (m = 3.5 / 4.4 period = 7.2 days) 10806 S Sge 10807 S Sagittae (m = 5.2 / 6.0 period = 8.4 days) 10808 T Mon 10809 T Monocerotis (m = 5.6 / 6.6 period = 27.0 days) 10810 BL Her 10811 BL Herculis (m = 9.7 / 10.6 period = 1.3 days) 10812 W Vir 10813 W Virginis (m = 9.5 / 10.8 period = 17.3 days) !----------RR Lyrae type----------------- 10819 Variables:RR Lyrae type 10820 RR Lyr 10821 RR Lyrae (m = 7.0 / 8.1 period = 0.57 days) 10822 SW Dra 10823 SW Draconis (m = 9.9 / 10.9 period = 0.57 days) 10824 SW And 10825 SW Andromedae (m = 9.1 / 10.1 period = 0.44 days) 10826 RR Gem 10827 RR Geminotum (m = 10.6 / 12.0 period = 0.40 days) 10828 TV Boo 10829 TV Bootis (m = 10.7 / 11.3 period = 0.31 days) 10830 CS Eri 10831 CS Eridani (m = 8.8 / 9.3 period = 0.31 days) !----------Mira stars------------------- 10839 Variables:Mira stars 10840 Mira star 10841 Mira star = omicron Ceti (m = 2.0 / 10.1 period = 332 days) 10842 R Hya 10843 R Hydrae (m = 3.5 / 10.9 period = 389 days) 10844 R Vir 10845 R Virginis (m = 6.1 / 12.1 period = 146 days) 10846 R Aur 10847 R Aurigae (m = 6.7 / 13.9 period = 458 days) 10848 R Cas 10849 R Cassiopeiae (m = 4.7 / 13.5 period = 430 days) 10850 T Her 10851 T Herculis (m = 6.8 / 13.7 period = 165 days) 10852 chi Cyg 10853 chi Cygni (m = 3.3 / 14.2 period = 408 days) !-----------Other pulsating------------ 10859 Variables:Other pulsating 10860 gamma Peg 10861 gamma Pegasi (m = 2.8 / 2.9 period = 0.15 days) 10862 alpha Cyg 10863 alpha Cygni (m = 1.2 / 1.3) 10864 beta Cep 10865 beta Cephei (m = 3.2 / 3.3 period = 0.19 days) 10866 PV Tel 10867 PV Telescopii (m = 9.2 / 9.4) 10868 beta CMa 10869 beta Canis Majoris (m = 1.9 / 2.0 period = 0.25 days) 10870 mu Cep 10871 mu Cephei (m = 3.4 / 5.1 period = 730 days) !------------Eruptive------------------ 10879 Variables:Eruptive 10880 S Dor 10881 S Doradus (m = 8.6 / 11.5) 10882 P Cyg 10883 P Cygni (m = 3. / 6.) 10884 FU Ori 10885 FU Orionis (m = 9.6 / 16.5) 10886 R CrB 10887 R Coronae Borealis (m = 5.7 / 14.8) 10888 RY Sgr 10889 RY Sagittarii (m = 5.8 / 14.0) 10890 eta Car 10891 eta Carinae (m = -0.8 / 7.9) 10892 gamma Cas 10893 gamma Cassiopeiae (m = 1.6 / 3.0) 10894 T Tau 10895 T Tauri (m = 9.3 / 13.5) 10896 RY Lup 10897 RY Lupi (m = 9.9 / 13.0) !------------Cataclysmic----------------------------- 10899 Variables:Cataclysmic 10900 Nova Cyg 1975 10901 V1500 Cygni = Nova Cygni 1975 (m = 1.7 / <21.) 10902 CK Vul 10903 CK Vulpeculae = Nova Vulpeculae 1670 (m = 2.7 / 20.) 10904 T CrB 10905 Recurrent nova T Coronae Borealis (m = 2.0 / 10.8 period ~ 29000. days) 10906 T Pyx 10907 Recurrent nova T Pyxidis (m = 7.0 / 15.8 period ~ 7000. days) 10908 DQ Her 10909 Nova-like DQ Herculis (m = 1.3 / 18.1) 10910 U Gem 10911 Dwarf novae U Geminotum (m = 8.2 / 14.9 period ~ 105.2 days) 10912 SS Cyg 10913 Dwarf novae SS Cygni (m = 7.7 / 12.4 period ~ 49.5 days) 10914 Z Cam 10915 Dwarf novae Z Camelopardalis (m = 10.0 / 14.5 period ~ 22. days) 10916 SU UMa 10917 Dwarf novae SU Ursae Majoris (m = 10.8 / 15.0 period ~ 19. days) 10918 VW Hyi 10919 Dwarf novae VW Hydri (m = 8.4 / 14.4 period ~ 27.3 days) 10920 AG Peg 10921 AG Pegasi (symbiotic) (m = 6.0 / 9.4) 10922 Z And 10923 Z Andromedae (m = 8.0 / 12.4) !-----------X-ray variables---------------------- !10930 Crab pulsar !10931 Crab pulsar = PSR 0531+21 (m = -6.0 / 17.7) !10932 Cyg X-1 !10933 Cygni X-1 = V1357 Cygni (m = 8.7 / 8.9 period = 5.6 days) !10934 X Per !10935 X Persei = 0352+309 (m = 6.0 / 7.0) !--------------------------------Print Formats(fontHeight)-------------------- !----Print SkyDiary: Planets--------- !ID fontFactor planets|RA|Dec|Constell|Elong|Dist|Mag|Diam|Phase 11000 50 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 9 4 !----Print ObjectInfo: Visibility--------- !ID fontFactor Date|RA|Dec|Azm|Alt|Constel|magn|Dist|AngDiam|phase|SunElong|MoonPhas|MoonAng 11001 60 7 7 7 7 7 7 4 7 5 5 5 6 6 !----Print ObjectInfo: Rise/Set --------- !ID fontFactor Date|time|azm|alt| |riseTim|azm|trnsTim|alt|setTim| azm| |sunRise|Set|moonRise|set !11002 60 7 5 5 5 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 5 6 5 6 11002 60 7 5 8 5 0 5 8 5 8 5 8 0 5 6 5 6 11003 15, %s, %s %s, %s 11004 %s, %s %s !--------Splitter for Browser Frame------------------ ! Image Left 11005 637 ! Image Top 11006 280 !--------Night vision warning 11010 Night Vision mode failed 11011 Full Screen 11012 Lock On !-------horizon 11100 Horizon 11101 Opaque 11102 Transparent 11103 Line 11104 Horizon Shading 11105 None 11106 Phases !-------Gazetteers 11200 Surface Features 11210 Planets 11211 Cities 11212 Observatories 11213 Landing sites 11214 Surface features 11220 Moons 11221 Landing sites 11222 Surface features !-------Night Vision 11300 Night Vision !------- main menu strings------- 11400 Recent Workspaces... 11401 Add/Delete Image dialog is already open. 11402 Add/Delete Image dialog will only work when one SkyWindow is open 11403 Movie recorder is already open. Close it and try again. !---------------Print 11500 Object 11501 Location 11502 Date/Location !------------ URL !---------------------SoftWare------ 11601 http://www.redshift.de/gb/up/sw/index.htm !-------------------Objects--------- 11602 http://www.redshift.de/gb/up/ob/index.htm !-------------WorkSpaces 11603 http://www.redshift.de/gb/up/ws/index.htm !------------PhotoGallery 11604 http://www.redshift.de/gb/up/pg/index.htm !------------Gazeteers 11605 http://www.redshift.de/gb/up/gz/index.htm !------------Updates 11606 http://www.redshift.de/gb/up/index.htm ! Activation 11607 http://register.usm.de/eng 11608 register.usm.de 11609 /activate.asp?code2= !------------ 11701 RedShift 5 CD was not found. Please insert CD and try again. 11702 Your product is not yet activated. 11703 You can work without CD only if you have full installed RedShift5 11801 Cannot save the file '%s'. %sThe file exists and is marked Read-Only. %sSave the file with another file name or to another location. !-------------Object info 13001 Proper name 13002 Bayer letter 13003 Flamsteed number 13004 FK5 number 13005 BSC5 number 13006 Hipparcos number 13007 Tycho-2 number 13808 4M number 13009 GSC-2 number 13010 Designation for variable 13011 ID from RS5 database 13012 Options for 'Type':\r\n E Emission \r\n R Reflection \r\n \r\n Options for 'Shape'\r\n Ir Irregular \r\n E Elliptical \r\n C Circular \r\n \r\n Options for 'Structure'\r\n A Amorphous \r\n F Filamentary \r\n AF Combination of amorphous and\r\n filamentary\r\n 13013 Options for 'Type':\r\n 1 Stellar image\r\n 2 Smooth disk\r\n 2a brighter toward center\r\n 2b uniform brightness\r\n 2c traces of ring structure\r\n 3 Irregular disk\r\n 3a very irregular brightness distribution\r\n 3b traces of ring structure\r\n 4 Ring structure\r\n 5 Irregular form\r\n 6 Anomalous form\r\n 13014 Options for 'Type':\r\n L Large\r\n S Small\r\n VS Very small\r\n ES Extremely small\r\n 13015 Options for \"Concentration\"\r\n \r\n I Detached; Strong concentration toward center\r\n II Detached; Weak concentration toward center\r\n III Detached; No concentration toward center\r\n IV Not well detached from surrounding star field\r\n \r\n Options for \"Range in brightness\"\r\n \r\n 1 Small range in brightness\r\n 2 Moderate range in brightness\r\n 3 Large range in brightness\r\n \r\n Options for \"Richness\"\r\n\t\r\n Poor (less than 50 stars) \t\t\t\r\n Medium (50 to 100 stars) \t\t\t\r\n Rich (more than 100 stars)\r\n\r\n 13016 Options for 'Type':\r\n Ir Irregular \r\n E Elliptical \r\n C Circular \r\n Co Cometary \r\n K Kidney-Shaped\r\n S S-Shaped\r\n 13017 Options for 'Type':\r\n B Non-eclipsing binary star\r\n E Eclipsing binary star\r\n /NS One component of the binary\r\n star is neutron star\r\n /WD One component of the binary\r\n star is a white dwarf\r\n BH Suspected black hole\r\n Bu X-ray burster\r\n G Galaxy\r\n N Nova\r\n Nr Reccurent nova\r\n PSR Pulsar\r\n QSO Quasar\r\n SNR Supernova remnant\r\n T Transient X-ray source\r\n 13018 relative to 13019 Options for 'Type':\r\n G Galaxy\r\n E Elliptical galaxy\r\n D Elliptical galaxy with extensive\r\n diffuse halo\r\n cD Supergiant elliptical galaxy with\r\n extensive diffuse halo\r\n ED Elliptical galaxy with diffuse halo\r\n (the disk is more consipcious)\r\n N galaxy\r\n Neb Nebula\r\n PSR Pulsar\r\n QSO Quasar\r\n Seyf Seyfert galaxy\r\n SNR Supernova remnant\r\n SNRS Supernova remnant shows a\r\n shell radio structure\r\n SNRF Supernova remnant shows a\r\n filled center radio structure\r\n SNRC Supernova remnant shows a composite\r\n or combination radio structure\r\n ?B No positive optical identification\r\n (blank field)\r\n ?C No positive optical identification\r\n (crowded field)\r\n ?O No positive optical identification\r\n (field obscured by nebulosity)\r\n ?G No positive optical identification\r\n (galaxy near radio position)\r\n ?S No positive optical identification\r\n (starlike object near radio position)\r\n 13020 From Earth(%s)@left 13021 Magnitude ( 13022 To play Guided Tours you need \r\nto install Microsoft Script Control.\r\nPlease exit the program and run 'sct10en.exe'\r\nfrom Redshift 5 CD !-------------------------- 13023 To run RedShift 5 you need to install Microsoft XML parser. Please, run msxm3sp2Setup.exe from RedShift5 CD. 13024 The serial number is invalid 13025 Incorrect secure key, try again